Year 2024

Project Closure Announcement

To our community, followers and supporters, This is one of the hardest messages we’ve ever had to write. After a lot of thought and discussion, we’ve made the painful decision to bring our project to a close. We owe it…

Haven Protocol Update

It’s been nearly a month since our hard fork and it’s time to look at where we are and what to expect. Slippage Since Slippage went live, we have seen a rise in the frequency of conversions, resulting in an…

xAssets Conversion Fee Bug

Haven’s last hard fork (August 2023) implemented a new process whereby all conversion fees are converted to XHV. Please refer to this blog post for more detail. At the same time, Haven’s multisig treasury wallet became inaccessible, partly due to…

Haven 4.0 Slippage Development

You can download a PDF version of this blog from here. Overview After what seems like an eternity, Haven is finally ready to embark on a new journey in its tokenomics endeavours. Slippage. Slippage was initially introduced as a proof…

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