Market Analysis Tools
These tools have been created and are maintained by the Haven community to provide insight into the Haven blockchain
Haven Blockchain Explorer
The blockchain explorer allows you to search through data recorded on the blockchain.
Haven Explorer Supply
The Haven blockchain explorer supply page provides up to date supply details for XHV and xAssets supply
havex.io (currently offline)
A p2p exchange and LP platform, with a page providing supply and price data for XHV and xAssets.
Development Tools
These tools are available to support the community in the development of the protocol
Get involved in the Haven project and keep up to date with development
Haven Supply API
API endpoint for xUSD and xAsset supply figures
Haven Oracle
View the current pricing data in this feed, as used by the Haven network.
Haven Networks
Find out more about Mainnet, Stagenet and Testnet.
For support developing additional tools for Haven Protocol please reach out to the Development role in the Haven Discord