Blockchain Bootstrap

When you run your own node there are a couple of options to download the blockchain. You can run your daemon and sync the chain ‘manually’. This can take some time to do, and the chain will take up a lot of storage (~35GB).

It is also possible to speed up this process by downloading the blockchain bootstrap file.

The file can be downloaded from here:
(sha256 checksum : f9e7529d340caaefa8ce478f8862a50467584e3e6d349b8b939beb614cf70d87)

  • To use it you just need to replace your existing mdb file with the downloaded file.

The last update was carried out on 24th August 2024 (~35GB); this will speed up the sync time.

NOTE: Because this is a ‘snapshot’ rather than live import version of the blockchain it is not possible to verify the authenticity of the records. Users download and use it at their own risk.

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