Haven Announces Ledger App Development
Today we’d like to officially announce that we have begun the process of building the Haven Ledger Hardware Wallet application. As a part of this process, we’ve contracted Coranos, one of the most well known Ledger Wallet developers. He has built a large number of applications including some well known integrations with Neo, Nano, Elastos, Banano and Constellation DAG.
The costs for this build are covered by Haven with no requests for funding, donations or subsidy from the community.
Coranos has already started a preliminary code review and will be working on this part-time while receiving help and input from the core team. Furthermore, the build is separated into two distinct milestones.
1. Developer Submission: Available in development mode for testing.
2. Public Release: Available to the public for everyday use
While we’ve mentioned that we’re building a Ledger app we haven’t officially announced anything until today, because we had to work out the details, timelines and technical challenges –– some of which are ongoing.
The benefit of working with Coranos is that he’s extremely knowledgeable of the internal processes at Ledger, so it’s important that we set the community’s expectations accordingly. This is not a fast process and will likely take ~ 6 months to complete. Our expectation is that it’ll take 3 months to build and another 3 months for testing and approval. However, we obviously have no control over Ledgers internal processes so there’s no guarantees on the publishing date from Ledger.
Lastly, once the application is ready to be released, we intend to do a sponsored giveaway with limited edition custom engraved Haven Ledger Nano X Wallets. This shouldn’t be construed as an official partnership because it’s available to anyone willing to pay the costs. It’s more a token of appreciation from Haven towards the community for supporting us and we will announce these details once we know the release date from Ledger.
We believe this is a crucial step forward that helps Haven to deliver a greater level of security and trust to all users and partners.
The ability to privately exchange between XHV, xUSD, xGOLD or any other xAsset without any third-parties will enable Haven to continue to fulfill its vision of becoming an offshore bank — without banks.