Haven Council Formation
As a follow up to the previous blog post outlining the proposed Council based governance structure for the project, we would now like to move forward with announcing the members for the Haven Oversight Committee (HOC). Long term, the community members in this role will act primarily as a backstop for the HSC. In the meantime they will be actively helping to set up and form the Steering Committee.
The role of Steering Committee members will be to drive the project forward and where required make decisions in the best interests of the project. The members will be appointed by consensus from the wider community and be open to anyone who wishes to get more involved in steering the direction of Haven Protocol.
Oversight Committee
We are very pleased to have a small group of highly committed and knowledgeable individuals who have come forward to express an interest in taking on the role of HOC member. They have been elected from different core groups of contributors with agreement from each group and will include:
neac: Core developer of Haven protocol and long term supporter of the project. Part of the community group that took over the project when it was effectively abandoned back in late 2018. He has been instrumental in developing the core codebase as well as developing and testing new ideas and methods for strenghening the project.
xDimitris: With experience in Business, Economics and Marketing he has been a great help in many aspects of the project and continues to be involved in many discussions as well as managing the Haven Telegram group.
xHarlequin: Long term contributor to the project with experience of the finance industry. He has been actively involved in the Economics working group helping to develop solutions to strengthen the protocol as well as in the background as an adviser on many aspects of developement.
Project Secretary
In addition to the Oversight Committee there will be the important role of Project Secretary. Long term, this role will be appointed by the HSC but as an interim it will be taken on by an existing contributor.
We are very pleased to announce the role will be held by xkleinroy. He has been a long term and highly active contributor to the project, helping out with tech support for users as well as participation in the economics working group. xkleinroy is currently helping coordinate operations between the developers and working groups (primarily economics). He brings a wealth of technical knowledge and a deep understanding of the project.